Network Wizard for VHDL Test Benches
nw_bitstuff_pkg Package Reference
Package Body >> nw_bitstuff_pkg


t_slv_arr   f_bitstuff_enc (
data: in t_slv_arr
run_length: in positive
run_type: in std_logic '1'
natural   f_bitstuff_enc_len (
data: in t_slv_arr
run_length: in positive
run_type: in std_logic '1'
t_slv_arr   f_bitstuff_dec (
data: in t_slv_arr
run_length: in positive
run_type: in std_logic '1'
natural   f_bitstuff_dec_len (
data: in t_slv_arr
run_length: in positive
run_type: in std_logic '1'

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