Network Wizard for VHDL Test Benches
nw_nrs_pkg Package Body Reference
Package >> nw_nrs_pkg


t_slv_arr   f_gen_nrs (
start_val: in std_logic_vector
len: in positive
step: in std_logic_vector "1"
step_up: in boolean true
 Create Non-random sequence.

Member Function Documentation

◆ f_gen_nrs()

t_slv_arr f_gen_nrs (   start_val in std_logic_vector ,
  len in positive ,
  step in std_logic_vector "1" ,
  step_up in boolean true  

Create Non-random sequence.

start_valStart value (array will have same data width as start_val)
lenData array length
stepIncrement/decrement between each data word (default 1)
step_upTrue (default) for increment, False for decrement
PRBS sequence in data array

Generate a non-random sequence. The first value is start_val and the value will increment or decrement with the step value for each word.

Example use

array_8bit(0 to 127) := f_gen_nrs(x"00", 128); -- array_8bit is now (x"00", x"01", x"02", ...)

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