Network Wizard for VHDL Test Benches

Non-Random Sequences

The NRS library provides functions for generation of non-random sequences.


  • Generate data arrays with constant or incrementing/decrementing numbers.
  • Any data width and array length

More details in nw_nrs_pkg

Example use

Include the libraries:

library nw_util;
context nw_util.nw_util_context;

Call f_gen_nrs() with desired parameters:

array_8bit(0 to 127) := f_gen_nrs(x"80", 128); -- array_8bit is now (x"80", x"81", x"82", ...)
array_48bit(0 to 15) := f_gen_nrs(x"ff0000", 16, x"10000", False); -- array_48bit is now (x"ff0000", x"fe0000", x"fd0000", ...)

See further examples in the test bench nw_util_tb.vhd.